These are supplemental guidelines that are added-on to the forum's posting guidelines. These are meant to ensure that we all enjoy and the FREE services it provides to MYMP fans. By joining the forum, you agree to abide by these rules.
1. Keep it friendly. We're all here to have fun.
2. It's OK to criticize, but keep it constructive and stick to the facts.
3. Debating is welcome, but keep it civil and stick to the issues at hand. Personal attacks are highly discouraged.
4. Pay attention to the forum section you are posting to. Example, if you're going to start a topic about Juris, post it in Juris Anonymous and not in "A Boy and His Guitar" or "A Little Bit of MYMP". Find the most appropriate section and post it there.
5. Don't bash other artists. They may also have fans visiting these forums. Show them some respect. You wouldn't want anyone to bash MYMP either, would you? ARTIST BASHING POSTS WILL BE DELETED. You have been warned.
6. Avoid using red fonts! They're difficult to read in this background.
7. Avoid duplication of topics.
8. Titles should suite the content of posts.
8. Don't solicit nor offer illegal copies of MYMP's music. This is pretty obvious. So DON'T!
9. No flooding. Do not post the same topic in multiple sections of the forum. Just pick one section that is most appropriate and post it there. flooding threads/topics/posts will be AUTOMATICALLY DELETED. Flooding members will be disabled. You have been warned.
10. No spamming. Spamming is defined in this forum as an unethical and unsolicited means of manipulating or tricking any member into visiting a certain site for commercial purposes. These and the members that do this will also receive the same fate as in #8 (no flooding guideline). You have been warned.
Forum moderators reserve the right to take appropriate action when a member does not comply with the guidelines. We MAY or MAY NOT give warnings depending on the situation.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions regarding these guidelines, don't hesitate to contact any of the moderators. reserves the rigth to modify these guidelines whenever appropriate, so do check back every now and then for updates.
-- Edited by mympband at 18:33, 2006-10-12
I will defeat him! That is a promise of a lifetime! - Rock Lee to Naruto on fighting with Kimimaru