EY! MYMP LOVERS!!! PLS DONT FORGET TO SUPPORT THE NEW SINGLE, "I'LL NEVER GET OVER YOU". THANKS for SUPPORTING my friends..for making it 7x PLATINUM...JURIS AND CHIN are very blessed having you, wonderful peps.
hapi new yr...it's their new single.. it will be release this year...buy their Music Museum Concert Album CD and U CAN HEAR IT.. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING MYMP!!!
EY! MYMP LOVERS!!! PLS DONT FORGET TO SUPPORT THE NEW SINGLE, "I'LL NEVER GET OVER YOU". THANKS for SUPPORTING my friends..for making it 7x PLATINUM...JURIS AND CHIN are very blessed having you, wonderful peps. TAKE CARE.. MYMP RULES!!!
xempre nmn su2portahan nmin, i mean ntin yan. basta M.Y.M.P. no thinking twice!
gd day!... Grabe ang ganda talaga ng version nila ng "I'LL NEVER GET OVER U" as in!...... Pls.... Grab a copie from that album, surely u gonna love it!....