Ilan ba talaga ang official site ng MyMp? nalilito ako kasi may nang nag-surf ako, may nakita akong isang website nanagsasabi na ito aw ang official site raw..... nalilito po ako...... is the official website of mymp... the site is being acknowledge by the band and this site is the most updated and reliable mymp resource... used to be an official site but due to maintenance problems it was not updated and considered to be inactive. as well as which was the first site since mymp has started but yet again it is not active anymore....
the two active sites which provides mymp supporters a venue to interact are the following: which i said early on, the official website and which is a site made by one of its newbie supporters...
stil confuse hehehehe
im a little bit of crazy, im a little bit of a fool, im a little bit lonely, im a little bit of all oh i need cure just a little bit of you... and i will fall.. hay.